
[Brussels, 30th of July 2019] An important milestone was reached today in the EU-funded FutureTrust project, which actively supports the practical implementation of the eIDAS-Regulation. The public FutureTrust piloting portal is now available at, where the most important innovations developed in this project are presented and made available for public use.

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[Michelau, 27th of March 2019] Deutsche Post AG has joined the Open eCard Community. The leading German logistics company has integrated the recently certified Open eCard Library from the ecsec GmbH in order to enable the highly secure and mobile identification with the German eID card “Personalausweis” directly within the POSTIDENT App. As a result, the electronic identification can now be carried out conveniently within the smartphone.

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[Michelau, March 22, 2019] It has been accomplished – ecsec GmbH proudly presents its certificate for Open eCard Version 1.3 received from the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI). The so-called "Open eCard Library" is thus not only the worldwide first Open Source "eID-Kernel" for Android, but also the first and currently the only eID-Kernel certified by the BSI according to the Technical Guideline TR-03124 (eID-Client), which is available freely available as Open Source. The certificate, which has been issued without deficiencies in the conformity assessment report, is valid until 21st of February 2024.

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[Michelau, 19. März 2019] Das endgültige Programm des go.eIDAS-Summit 2019 steht: https://go.eID.AS/summit. Sichern Sie sich einen der letzten Plätze, um internationale Experten u.a. von OASIS, ETSI, UN/CEFACT, UNHCR and NIST aus dem Bereich der elektronischen Identifizierung (eID) und Vertrauensdienste für sichere elektronische Transaktionen zu treffen. Es erwarten Sie aktuellste Neuigkeiten zur Fernsignatur, zu PSD2 und SEPA, der mobilen, grenzüberschreitenden und globalen Akzeptanz von elektronischen Identitäten und Vertrauensdiensten und nicht zuletzt kostenlose Tutorials, die zeigen, wie einfach die vertrauenswürdige Digitalisierung mit eIDAS ist.

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[Michelau, 8th of January 2019] Open technologies for electronic identities (eID) and trust services according to the eIDAS-Regulation are enjoying increasing popularity. With identity Trust Management AG, the growing Open eCard Community has now gained another prominent supporter.

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