
[Lichtenfels, 2020/05/26] The non-profit go.eIDAS-Association has launched the international #eIDAS4all campaign and eIDAS-Forum to push forward the broad and fast adoption of electronic identification (eID) and trust services according to the eIDAS-Regulation. The open initiative invites all interested individuals and organisations to benefit from eIDAS within their individual applications and shape the trustworthy digitalisation of Europe, which is of utmost importance in times of Corona.

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[Michelau, 12th of December 2019] The AUDITOR project (, launched in November 2017 and supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi), is entering its second project phase (November 2019 to October 2021), which focuses on the recognition of the AUDITOR certification procedure as a European Data Protection Seal by the European Data Protection Board.

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[Brussels, 14th of November 2019] The EU-funded FutureTrust project today has released the eIDAS-Portal (https://eID.AS/portal), which allows all German Universities to combine academic and national identities in order to issue trustworthy certificates for the envisioned EU Student eCard, and further demonstrators for eMandates, eInvoices and eApostilles.

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[Brussels, 2019/11/06] The go.eIDAS-Initiative, which was initiated by leading European non-profit associations, projects and expert organisations to support the broad adoption of eID and trust services according to the eIDAS-Regulation in Europe and beyond, has reached an important milestone with the formal establishment of the non-profit “go.eIDAS-Association” and the launch of first working groups, which foster the prospering and sustainable development of the envisioned “eIDAS-Ecosystem”.

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[Brussels, 19th of September 2019] Within the scope of its piloting phase, the EU-funded FutureTrust project today has released two important trust service compo-nents at The Signature Generation & Sealing Service (SigS) allows to create electronic signatures and seals in standardised formats using a large variety of signature or seal creation devices and the comprehensive Validation Service (ValS) can be used to validate electronic signatures, seals, certificates and evidence records.

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