
[Berlin, March 22nd 2018] Within the scope of today‘s “eIDAS Summit“, taking place at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, ecsec has presented an important innovation: From now on the German electronic Identity (eID) card, commonly known as “Personalausweis”, can not only be used for strong authentication and highly secure identification, but also for the generation of advanced electronic signa-tures in compliance with relevant European and international standards.

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[Michelau/Berlin, January 23rd 2018] After supporting various international identity documents in compliance with the eIDAS-Regulation in last autumn, the multiple awarded and certified SkIDentity Service ( now also provides support for so called FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) U2F (Universal Second Factor) tokens. This allows that „Cloud Identities“, which have been derived from an electronic identity document (eID) can now be protected by an additional cryptographic hardware token. Through SkIDentity the modern FIDO security technology can now not only be used for strong authentication, but also for trustworthy identities.

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[Michelau, 29.11.2017] Für die nachweisliche Erfüllung der vielfältigen Anforderungen der ab Mai 2018 in ganz Europa gültigen Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) werden geeignete Zertifizierungsverfahren benötigt. Gestützt auf langjährige, internationale Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Datenschutz, Sicherheit, Zertifizierung und Cloud Computing unterstützen ausgewählte Experten der ecsec GmbH das kürzlich gestartete AUDITOR-Projekt ( bei der Entwicklung eines für Cloud-Dienste geeigneten Verfahrens für die Europäische Datenschutz-Zertifizierung.

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[05. Oktober 2017] Die gemeinnützige Initiative "Starke Authentisierung - jetzt!" ( begrüßt zahlreiche neue Partner und weist auf Aktionen im Rahmen des „European Cyber Security Month“ (01.-31. Oktober 2017) hin, die Nutzer über starke Authentisierungsmechanismen im Internet informieren und Anbietern von Internetdiensten die Unterstützung dieser Sicherheitstechnologien erleichtern.

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[Michelau, September 28th 2017] Against the background of the recently started initiative „Strong Authentication – now!“ and on the occasion of the successfully completed notification of the online identification function of the German eID card, the multi-award-winning and certified SkIDentity Service ( can now be used free of charge. The prerequisite for this is that the registration at the SkIDentity-Management-Service takes place during the "European Cyber Security Month" (October 1st – 31th 2017) and the productive commissioning of the service will conclude in 2017.

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