SkIDentity receives EuroCloud Europe Award

[Michelau i.Ofr. / Barcelona, October 9th 2015] In addition to receiving different awards in May 2015 the Upper Franconian company ecsec GmbH again received great honour. Within the scope of EuroCloud Forum the innovative SkIDentity-Service of ecsec received the renowned EuroCloud Europe Award yesterday evening in Barcelona. The patent-pending technologies for authentication and the novel „Mobile eID as a Service“-offering convinced the international jury of experts. “SkIDentity offers a sound technology for secure identification of cloud users and has a very high innovation potential”, the jury judged.

EuroCloud Europe Award for Europe’s best cloud services

The EuroCloud Europe Award annually rewards outstanding cloud services with respect to quality, compliance, innovation and customer support. The award ceremony was held yesterday as a part of the EuroCloud Forum, to which EuroCloud Europe Association invited already for the sixth time. Cloud providers, technology specialists, consulting companies, start-ups and government representatives annually meet at this European cloud congress to develop key factors to promote the European cloud computing sector as well as the European single market.

Innovative authentication technologies and „Mobile eID as a Service“

With SkIDentity various eID cards like the German eID („Elektronischer Personalausweis“), the Austrian social insurance card (e-card), the Estonian eID as well as several signature and banking cards can easily be used in cloud and web applications. With this flexible and patent-pending authentication technology tailor-made infrastructures for identity management can be developed very easily. Moreover, SkIDentity allows to derive cryptographically secured “Cloud Identities“ from any standard compliant eID card, which can be transferred to almost any smartphone in order to be used for pseudonymous authentication or a self-determined proof of identity in the cloud.

SkIDentity receives yet another European award

In May 2015 ecsec GmbH was already able to convince within an elevator pitch on the German level and won the EuroCloud Germany Award which was necessary for the qualification for the European competition. Now the innovative SkIDentity-Service (, which was developed within the „Trusted Cloud“ program supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi), was able to prevail against international competitors and received the popular EuroCloud Europe Award in the category “Cloud Service provided by Start-up Cloud Services Providers”.

„That SkIDentity has been awarded once more is a big honour for our young company“, said Dr. Detlef Huehnlein, CEO of ecsec GmbH. “We are glad, that our technologies contribute to increasing the security and confidence in cloud computing.” “We are very pleased that a project of the ‘Trusted Cloud’ initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) has left such a good impression to the international jury”, Andreas Weiss, Director EuroCloud Deutschland_eco, complements.

About SkIDentity

The SkIDentity project is performed by an interdisciplinary team, which is coordinated by ecsec GmbH and comprises experts from ENX Association, Fraunhofer institutes for industrial engineering (IAO) and computer graphics (IGD), OpenLimit SignCubes GmbH, Ruhr University of Bochum, University of Passau, Urospace GmbH and Versicherungswirtschaftlicher Datendienst GmbH. In addition the SkIDentity team is supported by major associations and federations such as the Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V., BITKOM), the German EuroCloud association (EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V.), the ProSTEP iViP association and TeleTrusT – IT Security Association Germany and well known enterprises such as DATEV eG, easy Login GmbH, media transfer AG, noris network AG, SAP AG and SiXFORM GmbH.

About the “Trusted Cloud” Program

The German Federal Ministry for Economic affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports through “Trusted Cloud” the development and testing of innovative, secure and legally valid cloud computing services with about 50 million Euro. Because the various project partners roughly bring in own resources of the same amount, the program has in total about 100 million Euro as its disposal. The “Trusted Cloud” technology program of the BMWi is part of the cloud computing initiative, which has been started by the BMWi in October 2010 together with its industrial and academic partners.

About EuroCloud

EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e. V. is the German Cloud Computing Association and part of the European EuroCloud network. It was founded in 2009 and is attached to the Association of the German Internet Economy - eco. EuroCloud Deutschland_eco and eco perfectly complement each other. Since 1995 eco is the association of the German Internet Economy and represents their interests towards politics and international forums. With more than 750 member companies eco shapes the internet: It develops market places, promotes technologies and forms basic conditions. EuroCloud Deutschland_eco addresses the topics related to cloud computing based on internet technologies. Together the associations open maximised synergies to create the maximum range in relevant issues.

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Dr. Detlef Hühnlein

SkIDentity c/o ecsec GmbH

Sudetenstraße 16

96247 Michelau, Germany


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